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Hair & Identity in Traveller Culture
Online Exhibitions
Crown beoir - The Courtyard Gallery
National Museum of Ireland, Country Life
5th October 2020 – January 30th 2021
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Irish Travellers or Mincéirí are an indigenous ethnic minority group who have been part of Irish society for centuries.
Hair is a powerful symbol of individuality and one which is intrinsically linked to identity, ethnicity, culture and gender.
Traveller/Mincéir women’s hair as a subject of elaboration symbolises a unique form of creative expression and identity.
Crown - Hair & Identity in Traveller Culture
Artist Breda Mayock
Photographer Orla Sloyan
Breda Mayock -
Funding from Creative Ireland Mayo for this project is gratefully acknowledged.
As is support from Mayo County Council Arts Service.

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